Laser Cutting Applications 265
Laser Cutting Applications 265 This class describes laser cutting methods and processes and common setup tasks for laser cutters. Laser cutting offers many benefits over mechanical cutting,
Laser Cutting Overview 261
Laser Cutting Overview 261 Laser Cutting Overview 261 introduces the types of lasers used for laser cutting. This class describes the properties of cutting lasers, optical components used with
Lathe Tool Geometry 351
Lathe Tool Geometry 351 Lathe Tool Geometry provides a description of single-point lathe tool angles, detailing the effect these angles have on a cutting operation. Tool angles have a significant
Lean Manufacturing Overview 101
Lean Manufacturing Overview 101 Lean Manufacturing Overview provides an introduction to the principles and terminology of lean strategies, including a discussion of the seven forms of waste, the
Lean Smart Manufacturing 280
Lean Smart Manufacturing 280 This class introduces the basic concepts and technologies of lean smart manufacturing. It summarizes several key capabilities and benefits of smart technology,
Lightweighting Overview 270
Lightweighting Overview 270 Lightweighting Overview describes the various methods of lightweighting or reducing the weight of a part without reducing its strength or other key properties. The two
Líquidos combustibles e inflamables 155
Líquidos combustibles e inflamables 155 Esta clase describe los peligros relacionados con líquidos combustibles e inflamables y explica los métodos adecuados para el almacenamiento,
Lo esencial de la comunicación 120
Lo esencial de la comunicación 120 Esta clase describe los tipos de comunicación claves y los obstáculos comunes de la comunicación, y la forma de usar la comunicación eficaz
Lockout/Tagout Procedures 141
Lockout/Tagout Procedures 141 This class describes OSHA’s requirements and best practices for preventing accidental machine startup. In order to safely repair or access machinery, operators must
Logic and Line Diagrams 312
Logic and Line Diagrams 312 Logic and Line Diagrams provides a comprehensive look at circuit logic and diagrams. The way a circuit functions depends on its circuit logic, which can be AND, OR,