With over 600 unique online manufacturing training courses, instructor-led training titles, and custom classes, we provide an extensive catalog of manufacturing training topics. Plus, every online class has been reviewed and validated by industry experts, and every instructor-led class is delivered by experts who have been carefully vetted to ensure manufacturing training is delivered by the best in industry.

From foundational learning in measurement and math to advanced concepts in technology and design, Tooling U-SME provides results-driven training solutions for in-demand job roles.
Showing 93 results (View All Results)
Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) Overview (918116)
Additive manufacturing, or commonly referred to as 3D Printing, is a manufacturing process that supports all aspects of the product development cycle; from prototype to end-use production parts. It ...
Adopting & Optimizing Additive Manufacturing
Focuses on the utilization of Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies in different manufacturing settings. AM technologies streamline the manufacturing process, improve product life cycles, and ...
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Fundamentals (919100)
Presents the practical basics for learning how to use the latest CNC equipment. By incorporating a proven "key concepts" approach, it examines the techniques needed for programming and operating a ...
Root Cause Failure Analysis (915113) REL-270
Root cause failure analysis (RCFA) addresses a problem that has appeared in a previously stable environment. Although this technique is most often applied to a production environment, the principles ...
Design for Manufacturability and Assembly (DFM/DFA) (915101)
DFM is the classic method of creating good product designs that reduce part count, simplify manufacturing techniques, and standardize parts and materials with the ultimate goal of developing a ...
Low Voltage Switchgear
Learn the construction, operation, maintenance, and inspection of low voltage switchgear and circuit breakers.
Medium Voltage Switchgear
Learn the construction, operation, maintenance, and inspection of low voltage switchgear and circuit breakers.
National Electric Code Overview
Provides an overview of proper wiring practices as presented in the National Electrical Code (NEC).
Conduit Bending and Wiring
Learn calculating and making conduit bends, wiring requirements, material identification, and the installation and splicing of wiring in accordance with NFPA 70 standards.
Electrical Print Reading
Provides the participant with the basic understanding of electrical prints and components associated with electrical print reading; it also provides the participant with the ability to interpret ...
Generator Theory
Learn the concepts associated with generators, generator function, generator design, three-phase voltage, and load sharing.
Motor Theory
Learn the principles of operation associated with motors and motor components, and the AC/DC theory of operation, including torque, pullout torque, and slip.