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Smart Business Strategy: Data Management 311

Smart Business Strategy: Data Management 311 This class focuses on the importance of data collection, maintenance, and analysis to smart businesses in manufacturing. This includes overview

Rigging Equipment 121

Rigging Equipment 121 This class provides an overview of the equipment used in rigging. Rigging is the process of securing and moving loads within a workplace. Rigging equipment covered in this

Introduction to the Smart Supply Chain 120

Introduction to the Smart Supply Chain 120 This class introduces the different smart technologies that can be applied to and integrated with supply chains for more efficient supply chain

Failure Modes and Effects Analysis 280

Failure Modes and Effects Analysis 280 This class explains the procedure for conducting a failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA). FMEA is a process used to identify failure modes for a product

Organizing Big Data for Smart Manufacturing 227

Organizing Big Data for Smart Manufacturing 227 This class is an overview of Big Data and how it is used in smart manufacturing. Smart factories capture large amounts of raw data, all of which

Aluminum Laser Welding for Electric Vehicles

Learn more about aluminum's impact on the automotive industry.

Introduction to Machine Rigging 111

Introduction to Machine Rigging 111 This class provides an overview of the equipment used in rigging. Rigging is the process of securing and moving loads within the workplace. Rigging equipment

Haas NGC: Networking and Security 230

Haas NGC: Networking and Security 230 This class explains how to use and secure the networking capabilities of the latest control panel from Haas Automation®, Inc. This class describes