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  • Last 180 Days

Métodos y materiales de fabricación aditiva 140

Métodos y materiales de fabricación aditiva 140 Los métodos y materiales de fabricación aditiva les proporcionan a los usuarios una visión general de los diferentes procesos

Overview of Electric Vehicle Components 200

Overview of Electric Vehicle Components 200 This class explores the functional components of electric vehicles and what makes them different from hybrid vehicles and vehicles with combustion

Wire Harness Components 295

Wire Harness Components 295 This class provides an overview of the components that make up a wire harness. A wire harness is a pre-assembled collection of electrical wires that are organized

Introducción a la fabricación aditiva 110

Introducción a la fabricación aditiva 110 Esta clase presenta los conceptos básicos de la fabricación aditiva (AM por sus siglas en inglés) y trata sobre su historia y desarrollo,

Leveraging Machine Learning for Process Modeling and Optimization 307

Leveraging Machine Learning for Process Modeling and Optimization 307 This class explores ideas for applying machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) to process optimization

Lithium-Ion Battery Handling and Safety 330

Lithium-Ion Battery Handling and Safety 330 This class introduces lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries, the hazards they present, and the safety precautions recommended for working with them. Although

Network Integration for Robot Workcells 376

Network Integration for Robot Workcells 376 This class covers basic concepts and components of robot workcells and integrating them into industrial networks. Knowledge of industrial networks and

Popular Manufacturing Fundamentals Training

Manufacturing fundamentals training is essential for manufacturers looking to onboard more quickly, boost productivity, and engage employees. Elevate your workforce today with Manufacturing

Electrification Training

Demand for Electric Vehicles and Energy Storage is outpacing production. Upskill your workforce with basic and advanced Electrification Training--online, in-person, virtual.