Manufacturing fundamentals training helps manufacturers engage, onboard, and upskill learners to build a high-performing, advanced manufacturing workforce and strengthen the industry’s competitiveness.
Throughout the manufacturing industry, talent is in short supply. There could be as many as 2.1 million unfilled jobs by 2030, according to a study by Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute.
To fill the gap, manufacturers are recruiting individuals new to manufacturing who may not currently possess much knowledge or experience. This means manufacturing fundamentals training is more important than ever to prepare new hires to be floor ready.
Manufacturing fundamentals training builds knowledge that contributes to confidence and proficiency. This training is beneficial for high school students, dislocated workers, and individuals coming from other non-manufacturing sectors who wish to pursue a role as an assembler, manufacturing associate, production technician, welder, and other entry-level manufacturing occupations.
Manufacturing fundamentals training provides a solid foundation for a lifelong career in an industry where there is opportunity for advancement and well-paying jobs. Manufacturers see benefits including faster onboarding, increased employee knowledge, improved quality and boosted productivity.
Learn more about:
- Manufacturing Fundamentals Quick-Start Training Packages
- Manufacturing Fundamentals for All Departments
- Manufacturing Fundamentals Convenient Online Classes
- Instructor-Led Manufacturing Fundamentals Classes
- Hands-on Experience Apprenticeships
- Manufacturing Fundamentals Validated-Skills Certification
- Manufacturing Fundamentals Knowledge Assessments
- Common Questions About Manufacturing Fundamentals
A customized manufacturing fundamentals training approach is essential for manufacturers looking to onboard more quickly, boost productivity and engage employees. It also provides clear pathways for employees to build their manufacturing careers.
With a shortage of skilled workers, we know that it’s hard to take existing employees off the floor to train new ones. That’s why we developed training packages to offer quick-start, progressive road maps in manufacturing fundamentals and other functional areas that allow manufacturers to build career paths for employees. They are intended to enhance your existing on-the-job training and help you create a job progression plan. Unlike many other training programs, these packages require minimal preparation. They are efficient, effective training, developed with input from manufacturing experts.
Our virtual manufacturing fundamentals training offers classes to build careers in a variety of manufacturing job roles including those in:
- Assembly
- Composites
- Machining
- Maintenance
- Stamping/Forming/Fabrication
- Welding

We have nearly 600 unique online courses, and instructor-led training titles plus custom courses, providing an incredibly broad catalog of manufacturing training topics. Tooling U-SME offers a wide range of courses in manufacturing fundamentals covering safety, quality, shop math, and inspection, to develop a skilled team including classes in:
- Basic Measurement
- Calibration Fundamentals
- Introduction to CNC Machines
- Introduction to Physical Properties
- Safety for Electrical Work

Our online training content is developed with industry experts and designed for all learners. Our classes, including those covering manufacturing fundamentals training, feature multimedia components to reinforce learning, and pre-and post-tests to measure knowledge gained. Our online classes are self-paced, typically taking 60 minutes to complete. Employees can benefit from all levels of manufacturing fundamentals job roles training.

Registered apprenticeships are helping manufacturers recruit in-demand employees looking for exciting career opportunities. Established around industry-wide standards, employers can more quickly build a pipeline of skilled workers, boost retention, reduce recruiting costs and improve productivity.
Combining on-the job training (OJT) with related training instruction (RTI) through Tooling U-SME online classes introduces trainees to critical concepts while providing real-world experience — and a paycheck.
Our Apprenticeship Frameworks covering manufacturing fundamentals apprenticeships, such as Maintenance Technician or Robotics Technician, outline industry-endorsed RTI hours needed to meet the requirements of a competency-based or hybrid apprenticeship program. It provides a predefined manufacturing fundamentals training curriculum that covers job skills, health and safety, foundations in manufacturing, technical expertise, and leading and developing people.

Industry-recognized professional certifications strengthen can accelerate movement along a career path in all areas of manufacturing. These earned credentials validate knowledge, skills, and competencies against industry standards. They ensure employees are proficient in the fundamentals of manufacturing as well as more advanced knowledge.
Tooling U-SME’s effective and convenient online training can be used to prepare not only for our own certification exams that build manufacturing fundamentals knowledge, but other leading industry certification exams as well. This includes those from Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC), National Institute of Metalworking Skills (NIMS) and entry-level SME credentials such as:
Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA): focuses on basic manufacturing concepts and demonstrates an individual’s potential for high-demand, entry-level careers, including assemblers, manufacturing associates, and production operators.
Certified Additive Manufacturing – Fundamentals (CAM-F): focuses on the basics of additive manufacturing, including a comprehensive overview of additive manufacturing, the seven additive manufacturing technologies, and basic safety guidelines.
Robotics in Manufacturing Fundamentals (RMF): the only certification in the industry focused on the fundamentals of manufacturing robotics, providing a starting point for any career pathway a candidate may pursue in the field of robotics.

Manufacturers can save valuable time and money by delivering onboarding manufacturing fundamentals training where skills are lacking. Uncovering learning gaps and providing targeted manufacturing fundamentals training can also help employees at more advanced career stages as well. We can help you evaluate competency strength with 50+ redeveloped assessments. We can also customize manufacturing fundamentals assessments based on your specific needs.
What is manufacturing fundamentals training?
For those new to manufacturing, it is important to obtain basic knowledge around safety, quality, shop math, inspection and more. Manufacturing fundamentals training helps accelerate the ability to put skills-ready individuals on the floor and make them more productive once they are there. This basic understanding of manufacturing concepts must be in place before starting a more advanced training program. Manufacturing foundational skills will prepare those entering the field for a rewarding career in the industry.
What job roles require manufacturing fundamentals training?
Whether a welder, assembler, machine technician or robotics technician, all new hires into the manufacturing industry need formal manufacturing fundamentals training. This training ensures an individual has basic knowledge of manufacturing for entry-level manufacturing employment. It is essential for high school and college students, dislocated workers, under-employed individuals, veterans, at-risk youth and others who are seeking new employment in high-demand manufacturing jobs.
What types of manufacturing fundamentals courses are available?
Maintenance fundamentals topics cover shop math, assembly, maintenance, machining, inspection, and more. Tooling U-SME offers nearly 600 unique online courses, and instructor-led training titles plus custom courses to for a variety of job roles in areas including:
- Assembly
- Composites
- Machining
- Maintenance
- Stamping/Forming/Fabrication
- Welding