Strategies for Setup Reduction 251
The class Strategies for Setup Reduction presents several common strategies for decreasing setup, the activities required to prepare a product for processing. The single minute exchange of dies (SMED) method, which strives to reduce setups to under 10 minutes, is a core approach to setup reduction. SMED focuses on transitioning internal steps to external steps, which can be performed while machines are running. Additional SMED practices include using setup teams in parallel operations and prepping tools, paperwork, and materials. Standardization and special devices like one-turn and one-touch fasteners and intermediate jigs also help reduce setup times. Setup reduction is one of the many goals of lean manufacturing. Reducing setup times allows manufacturers to perform more setups for smaller, more-varied batches so that they can better respond to customer demands. After taking this class, users should be familiar with methods and understand the importance of setup reduction.
Difficulty Intermediate
Format Online
Number of Lessons 20
Language English

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