Solenoids 331
Solenoids introduces different types of solenoids and their uses. Solenoids use magnetic induction to produce linear motion. Common solenoid types are direct action, plunger, bell-crank, and clapper. Solenoids are rated by their voltage and current characteristics, which helps determine the appropriate solenoid for a given application. Solenoid failure may be caused by selecting the wrong solenoid, or other common causes such as incorrect voltage or frequency.
Understanding how solenoids work is necessary for working with the many applications that utilize them, including combustion engines and industrial fluid control systems. After taking this class, users will have an understanding of solenoids and should be able to identify important factors in solenoid selection and common causes of solenoid failure. Knowing how to choose the correct solenoid and avoid solenoid failure decreases the chances of solenoids burning out or needing to be replaced for other reasons.
Difficulty Advanced
Format Online
Number of Lessons 18
Language English

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