Soldering Safety 116
This class gives an overview of soldering safety procedures. Soldering technicians must know which personal protective equipment (PPE) to wear and how to safely use tools. To maintain a safe environment, technicians must understand the importance of tidiness and ergonomics around the soldering workstation. In addition, solder and flux can pose different health risks, such as high temperatures that cause fires and burns, and toxic fumes that require a fume extractor. Other potential soldering hazards include electrostatic discharge, which can start fires and harm components or the technician.
Without the proper safety precautions, soldering can cause burns, fires, and lingering health effects. Safe soldering practices reduce physical strain that impacts the technician’s health and the finished product. After taking this class, users will understand the necessary safety measures for soldering, including PPE and fire safety.
Difficulty Beginner
Format Online
Number of Lessons 10
Language English

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