Workforce Essentials

Professional Communication Methods 160

This class explains how to effectively use common methods of professional communication in the workplace. It covers written business communication topics, such as creating and using reports, email, and instant messaging. It also describes effective business presentations, meetings, and how to utilize visual aids such as charts and graphs.

After taking this class, users will understand how to effectively use a variety of communication methods in their workplaces. This includes preparing thoroughly, selecting appropriate media, tailoring tone and visual aids to audience and purpose, and participating in the knowledge sharing essential to all successful enterprises.

  • Difficulty Beginner

  • Format Online

  • Number of Lessons 9

  • Language English


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Course Outline
  • Effective Professional Communication
  • Written Business Communication
  • Business Writing
  • Business Email and Instant Messaging
  • Written Business Communication Review
  • Effective Business Presentations
  • Visual Aids in Business Communication
  • Conducting Effective Meetings
  • Business Presentations and Meetings Review
  • Describe effective professional communication.
  • Describe common forms of written business communication.
  • Explain how to write clear and effective business communications.
  • Contrast the proper use of business email and instant messaging.
  • Describe an effective business presentation.
  • Describe common types of professional visual aids.
  • Describe how to prepare for and conduct effective meetings.
Vocabulary Term

action items

A specific task or activity that can be handled by a particular person or group. Action items are often presented in business meetings so that participants know what they are expected to do next.

active voice

One of the two voices of verbs which is more direct than the passive voice. In a sentence, the active voice indicates that the grammatical subject of the verb performs the action such as "The child threw the ball."


A list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting. An agenda sets expectations for all meeting participants.

artificial intelligence

AI. Technology that enables computers and machines to simulate human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities. Artificial intelligence programs can assist with business writing but come with risks.

bar charts

A visual graphic display of the distribution of data that shows the frequency of a range of variables through the width and height of rectangles. Bar charts are used to plot discrete data with discrete values and to compare the amounts or frequency of occurrence of different characteristics of data.


Carbon copy. A field in email in which any email addresses entered will receive a copy of the message sent. When using cc, all email addresses receiving an email are visible to all recipients.

code switch

To adjust communication style, language, or behavior to fit the cultural norms or expectations of different environments, situations, or audiences. Code switching can involve choosing between formal and informal language, altering tone or demeanor, or modifying personal presentation.


The process of sending and receiving messages via various media. Communication involves both transferring a message and ensuring that the message is received and fully understood by the receiver.


The quality of being believable or worthy of trust. Credibility is enhanced by communication that is honest, clear, and consistent.


Factual information that is used for analysis and problem solving. Data is often in the form of values or numbers.

data points

The factual information derived from a measurement or research. Data points can be represented numerically and plotted on a line chart.


Outward behavior. Demeanor includes the way someone stands, the way they talk, their facial expressions, and how they make eye contact.


A simplified drawing showing the appearance, structure, or workings of something. Diagrams simplify complex ideas and illustrate connections between elements.


Messages distributed by electronic means to one or more recipients via a network. Email is a flexible medium that can be used for both internal and external business communication via a digital network.


A graphic layout that at a glance provides the various steps in a process, procedure, or program. A flowchart helps to identify flaws and bottlenecks and improve the whole operation.


Instant messaging. The exchange of near-real-time messages through a standalone application or embedded software. IM facilitates quick exchanges between individuals or small groups.

instant messaging

IM. The exchange of near-real-time messages through a standalone application or embedded software. Instant messaging facilitates quick exchanges between individuals or small groups.

intellectual property

IP. Any unique idea, creative expression, or knowledge that originated from, or is owned by, a specific person or business. Intellectual property is not physical but has commercial value.


Special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group. Jargon in written communication may be difficult for some readers to understand.

line charts

A basic graphic or visual display that is useful in displaying trends in data or information that changes continuously over time. The lines connecting the points in a line chart give estimates of the values between the points.


The means used to convey a message. The most commonly used mediums for communication are verbal, nonverbal, and written communication.

passive voice

One of the two voices of verbs which is less direct than the active voice. In the passive voice, the action’s target is the focus, and the verb acts upon the subject, such as in 'The ball was thrown.'

pie charts

A type of graph representing data in a circular form, with each slice of the circle representing a fraction of the whole. In a pie chart, the size of each slice is proportional to the quantity it represents.


A speech in which a new product, idea, or piece of work is shown and explained to an audience. Presentations are strategic blends of information sharing and persuasion.

press releases

An official statement that gives information to external stakeholders or media outlets. A press release is a factual account of something newsworthy and is often shared with journalists.


Reading written material and marking any errors. Proofreading allows a writer to notice and fix any errors before sharing their writing.


A request or plan offered for acceptance and execution. A proposal clearly defines terms and the advantages of acceptance.

Reply All

A function that emails a response to both the sender of a previous message and everyone who received the original email, including anyone listed as cc. Reply All should be used carefully and only when a response is actually relevant to all recipients.


A written account, record, or summary completed after an observation or inquiry. A report describes an event, performance, or situation.

social media

Online communities where users can share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content. Social media platforms allow companies to engage with the public directly.


Any person or group that has an interest in an organization. A company’s stakeholders include employees, investors, suppliers, and customers.


The way a writer or speaker constructs sentences, chooses words, and uses tone. Style choices should differ depending on the audience, purpose, and context.

subject line

The headline of an email that appears in a recipient's email inbox. Email subject lines should be informative and brief.


A graphic display of a set of data arranged in parallel rows and columns. A table can visually convey figures, statistics, and changes over time.

verb tense

Word choice that reflects when the action in a sentence takes place. Verb tense indicates whether something happened in the past, is happening in the present, or will happen in the future.


The series of activities that are necessary to complete a task. Workflows include the sequence of industrial, administrative, or other processes through which a product or work task passes from initiation to completion.