Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams 357
This class details the information that is presented in Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams, or P&IDs. A P&ID is a type of process flow diagram that depicts the equipment, piping, instruments, and signal lines of a fluid system. P&IDs use symbols, codes, and tags to identify components and indicate how they function. P&IDs are accompanied by supporting documents that provide additional information necessary to build and operate a fluid system. Engineers use P&IDs to map out all the parts of a system, including safety measures and shut-off valves. P&IDs are useful for locating parts that need to be replaced and for identifying what parts of the system are affected when another part is updated. After taking this course, users will have an understanding of what the symbols, codes, and tags represent on a P&ID.
Difficulty Advanced
Format Online
Number of Lessons 13
Language English

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