CNC Controls: Fanuc

Fanuc Lathe: Program Execution 285

This class describes the steps necessary to activate, execute, and restart programs using the Fanuc O-C control for the lathe.

  • Difficulty Intermediate

  • Format Online

  • Number of Lessons 14

  • Language English


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Course Outline
  • Objectives
  • What Is a Part Program?
  • Program Contents Display
  • Activating a Part Program
  • Part Program Execution
  • Current Block, Next Block, and Program Check
  • Stopping a Program: Normal Stops
  • Stopping a Program: Abnormal Stops
  • Program Restart: Types
  • Program Restart: Instructions
  • Using the Graphics Display
  • Searching for Sequence Numbers
  • Deleting a Program
  • Summary
  • Describe the relationship between part programs and the Fanuc 0-C control.
  • Identify the key used to activate the program contents display.
  • Explain how to activate a part program on the Fanuc 0-C control.
  • Identify the key used to execute a part program on the Fanuc 0-C control.
  • List the program displays that are available during program execution.
  • Identify events that signal a normal stop.
  • Identify events that signal an abnormal stop.
  • Describe the two types of program restarts.
  • Describe how to restart a program in the middle of a toolpath.
  • Explain how to use the Fanuc 0-C control to run a program in the graphics display.
  • Explain how to use the Fanuc 0-C control to locate specific sequence numbers.
  • Explain how to use the Fanuc 0-C control to delete a specific program.
Vocabulary Term


A soft key that activates the program check display.


A soft key that activates the current block display.


A soft key that activates the graphics display.


A soft key that activates the next block display.

absolute coordinate system

A system used to plan and track movement of a CNC machine tool. Absolute coordinates are a series of numerical positions that are calculated from a fixed point of origin.


Any number of instances during the execution of a part program in which an error occurs, causing the control to stop the machine.

AUTO mode

The mode that allows an operator to call up and execute a part program stored in the machine.


A function key located on the MDI keypad that displays the graphics parameter screen and a soft key link to the graphics display.


A single line of a part program.

block delete

Also called optional block skip, this key works in conjunction with slash codes (/) in the program. A slash at the beginning of a part program command signals to the control to ignore the command. This function only works if the optional block skip swith is "on."

current block display

A view in the program function that shows the block currently being executed along with modal data. The current block display appears after pressing [CURRNT].


The control button used to begin a program or continue a program that has been previously stopped.


The control button used to pause a program. Also known as feed hold, cycle stop pauses tool feed but does not stop spindle movement.


An editing key on the control panel MDI keypad that deletes a selected portion of a part program in EDIT mode.

down cursor arrow key

An arrow key that moves the cursor through a program one block or word at a time.

dry run

A prove out method that executes a part program without any parts or cutting fluid.

EDIT mode

The mode that allows an operator to make changes to a part program and store those changes.


Used for emergencies only, the control button that automatically shuts down all machine functions.


A character that marks the end of a part program block. An end-of-block character is represented by a semicolon (;) in a part program.


The control button used to pause a program. Also known as cycle stop, feed hold pauses tool feed but does not stop spindle movement.

floppy directory

A view on the display screen that lists all the part programs stored on a floppy disk.

graphics display

A function of the Fanuc 0-C control that allows an operator to visually dry run a part program without moving the axes and risking tool damage. This prove out method is accessed by pressing AUX/GRAPH and then [GRAPH].

M code

A program code used to signal an action from a miscellaneous group of commands. M codes change cutting tools, turn on or turn off the coolant, spindle, or workpiece clamps, etc.


A miscellaneous code that signals a program stop.


A miscellaneous code that signals an optional program stop.


A miscellaneous code that signals the end of a program.


A miscellaneous code that signals a program end and rest.

MDI mode

An operation mode that lets an operator enter and execute program data without disturbing stored data.

modal data

Information displayed regarding the mode of the machine control. Modes remain in effect until they are cancelled or replaced by a similar mode.

next block display

A view in the program function that shows the block currently being executed along with the block to be executed next. Next block display appears after pressing [NEXT].

optional block skip

Also called block delete, this key works in conjunction with slash codes (/) in the program. A slash at the beginning of a part program command signals to the control to ignore the command. This function only works if the optional block skip swith is "on."

optional stop

A code that pauses the program if the appropriate switch is selected on the machine. Optional stops allow the operator to inspect the machine between operations. M01 typically indicates an optional stop.

P type method

A method of restarting a program. With the P type method, you may restart execution of the part program with the tool at any point.

P/S alarm

A notification that a program error exists during program execution. There are 245 possible program errors on the Fanuc 0-C control.

page down arrow key

An arrow key that moves down one program page.


One of the limits or physical properties that determine function and operation of a CNC machine.

part program

A series of instructions used by a CNC machine to perform the necessary sequence of operations to machine a specific workpiece.


A red button on the machine panel or control panel that shuts off power to the lathe.


A function key located on the MDI keypad that displays the program screen and the blocks of the current part program.

program block

A single line of a part program.

program check

A view in the program function that shows the program currently being executed, the current axis position of the tool, and modal data. Program check appears after pressing [CHECK].

program library

A view on the display screen that lists all the part programs in memory.

program restart

A feature of the Fanuc 0-C control that restarts a part program at the block number at which it was stopped. Program restart is useful when a tool breaks during machining.

program stop

An intentional stopping point in a part program that is executed by M00.

program zero

The position that acts as the origin for the part program of a particular workpiece. This position is unique to each workpiece design, and it is selected by the part programmer.

prove out

To verify the accuracy of a part program. Operators use dry runs and single blocking to thoroughly check a program for errors.

Q type method

A method of restarting a program. With the Q type method, you must restart execution of the part program with the tool at program zero.

relative coordinate system

A system used to plan and track movement of a CNC machine tool. Relative coordinates are a series of numerical positions that are calculated each from the previous location.


A key that stops all machine motion during program execution in AUTO mode. RESET places the program cursor at the top of the current program in EDIT mode.

S code

A program code that determines the speed during a cutting operation.

sequence number

A block marker in a part program indicated by an "N" and a number. Sequence numbers allow you to search for particular program blocks.


A key that activates the single block feature on the Fanuc 0-C control. The single block function runs the program one block at a time to prove out the program.

subprogram call

A command in a CNC part program that executes a smaller, separate program that can occur multiple times during the machining cycle. Subprograms shorten and simplify manual programming and are called by M98P####, where # is the subprogram number.

T code

A program code used to indicate the specific tool for a tool change.