Classification of Steel 201
Classification of Steel introduces users to steel designations systems, particularly AISI-SAE and UNS methods. This class describes classifications for plain carbon, alloy, high-strength low alloy, stainless, and tool steels, with a focus on AISI-SAE designations.
There are many different types of steels, each having unique chemical contents and properties. Manufacturers distinguish between these metals by a numerical designation. In the AISI-SAE system, this number indicates the family of steel and the steel's carbon content. Some designations also describe the metal's intended use or special properties.
Because composition and processing methods determine a metal's properties, understanding steel classification is critical to choosing the best material for an application. After this class, users will be able to distinguish between major types of steel classifications and describe the nomenclature used to identify various grades of steel.
Difficulty Intermediate
Format Online
Number of Lessons 17
Language English

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