Cell Design and Pull Systems 161
Cell Design and Pull Systems provides an introduction to the origin, purpose, and advantages of cellular manufacturing. This class describes the basic characteristics of a work cell, along with how cells are planned, organized, and improved. Cell Design and Pull Systems also includes a discussion of related quality concepts, such as takt time, cycle time, kanban systems, and error prevention.
Work cells have become an integral component of many lean facilities due to their ability to streamline operations and decrease lead time. However, cells require planning, organization, and constant team effort. In order for the system to work, everyone must know his or her role in the cell. With this class, someone new to cellular manufacturing will be able to identify the benefits of work cells, use common quality terminology, and understand how supporting strategies, such as kanban and kaizen, come together to create an effective quality system.
Difficulty Beginner
Format Online
Number of Lessons 22
Language English
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