CDC Workplace Infection Safety and Prevention 135
This class provides a comprehensive overview of the COVID-19 pandemic, including virus symptoms, transmission, prevention, and vaccination. it describes prevention guidelines, vaccine information, and isolation requirements from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). For workplaces, reducing the spread of viruses that are transmitted by person-to-person contact is imperative to ensure continued business operation without endangering employee health and safety. In addition, employers are responsible for meeting local, state, and federal virus requirements.
By taking this class, users will learn ways to create a healthy and safe work environment that incorporates common methods of preventing the spread of COVID-19 recommended by the CDC. Users will also gain knowledge that can help them protect their own health by recognizing symptoms of COVID-19, being familiar with vaccines, and understanding quarantines.
Difficulty Beginner
Format Online
Number of Lessons 13
Language English

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