With over 600 unique online manufacturing training courses, instructor-led training titles, and custom classes, we provide an extensive catalog of manufacturing training topics. Plus, every online class has been reviewed and validated by industry experts, and every instructor-led class is delivered by experts who have been carefully vetted to ensure manufacturing training is delivered by the best in industry.

From foundational learning in measurement and math to advanced concepts in technology and design, Tooling U-SME provides results-driven training solutions for in-demand job roles.
Showing 68 results (View All Results)
Electrode Selection 265
This class describes the electrodes used for the four most common arc welding processes: shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), gas metal arc welding (GMAW), flux-cored arc welding (FCAW), and gas ...
Overview of Soldering 271
Overview of Soldering defines soldering, describes the tools used in soldering, and discusses the various soldering processes. Soldering is a low-heat joining process used in applications where the ...
Thermal Cutting Overview 281
Thermal Cutting Overview provides a comprehensive introduction to the four most common industrial thermal cutting processes. Oxyfuel cutting uses a fuel gas flame that is mixed with pure oxygen. ...
Oxyfuel Cutting Applications 282
Oxyfuel Cutting Applications provides an overview of the oxyfuel cutting process, its equipment, operating procedures, and safety requirements. Before performing oxyfuel cutting, it is important to ...
Plasma Cutting 283
Plasma Cutting describes plasma cutting equipment and discusses setup and operation procedures for plasma cutting. Plasma cutting is a precise and efficient cutting method that uses an ionized jet of ...
Introduction to Automation 291
Introduction to Automation provides a comprehensive overview of the automation technology used in welding and thermal cutting processes. Automation is the use of either CNC machinery or robotic ...
GMAW Applications 301
This class provides a comprehensive overview of how to perform gas metal arc welding (GMAW), important variables to consider, and how to prevent common defects. Before beginning GMAW, it is important ...
Advanced GMAW Applications 302
Advanced GMAW Applications provides an overview of various specialized GMAW processes. When performing GMAW on stainless steel or aluminum, welders must be aware of several factors. Many advanced ...
Arc Welding Aluminum Alloys 310
This class describes the welding characteristics of aluminum and explains how its properties affect each variable in the welding process.
SMAW Applications 311
This class provides an overview of how to perform shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), important variables to consider, and how to prevent common defects. It is important to select appropriate ...
FCAW Applications 321
FCAW Applications provides a comprehensive overview of how to perform FCAW processes. Before beginning FCAW, it is important to prepare the joint and select the appropriate electrode. During FCAW, ...
GTAW Applications 331
This class provides a comprehensive overview of gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) parameters and techniques. To successfully perform GTAW, an appropriate polarity, power source, electrode type, ...