With over 600 unique online manufacturing training courses, instructor-led training titles, and custom classes, we provide an extensive catalog of manufacturing training topics. Plus, every online class has been reviewed and validated by industry experts, and every instructor-led class is delivered by experts who have been carefully vetted to ensure manufacturing training is delivered by the best in industry.

From foundational learning in measurement and math to advanced concepts in technology and design, Tooling U-SME provides results-driven training solutions for in-demand job roles.
Showing 26 results (View All Results)
Safety for Composite Processing 115
This class teaches operators how to protect themselves from illness and injury when working with composites. You will also learn how to store and discard hazardous materials. Finally, you will learn ...
Overview of Composite Processes 120
This class covers the basic methods for processing composites, as well as some of the materials used for these processes.
Traditional Composites 125
This class covers the materials commonly used to create resins and reinforcements for traditional composites. It also describes the basic characteristics of polymers.
Advanced Thermoset Resins for Composites 130
This class covers the thermoset resins commonly used to create advanced composite parts, as well as their properties and general considerations for material selection.
Advanced Materials for Composites 135
This class covers the thermoplastic and non-polymeric resins used to create advanced composite parts, as well as the materials used to create high-performance fiber reinforcements.
Intro to Lay-up and Spray-up Molding 140
This class covers lay-up and spray-up molding of traditional fiberglass composites.
Intro to Compression Molding 170
This class will teach you about the compression molding process, as well as the materials and equipment associated with it.
Surface Finishing Composites 190
Understanding how to finish the surface of a composite part helps an operator create parts that meet the demands of the customer. This class will teach you about surface finishing operations for ...
Vacuum Bagging Technique: Single-sided Bagging 230
This class covers basic procedures for performing single-sided vacuum bagging. It also covers general safety precautions and strategies for preventing common problems.
Composite Inspection and Defect Prevention 240
This class describes common methods for inspecting composites and preventing defects.
Repair Methods for Composites 250
This class covers basic procedures and best practices for repairing composites, as well as the structure of composite laminates and sandwich panels.
Introducción a los Compuestos 110
Esta clase cubre los materiales básicos usados para formar compuestos, cómo se procesan y las aplicaciones de compuestos en varios mercados.