With over 600 unique online manufacturing training courses, instructor-led training titles, and custom classes, we provide an extensive catalog of manufacturing training topics. Plus, every online class has been reviewed and validated by industry experts, and every instructor-led class is delivered by experts who have been carefully vetted to ensure manufacturing training is delivered by the best in industry.
From foundational learning in measurement and math to advanced concepts in technology and design, Tooling U-SME provides results-driven training solutions for in-demand job roles.
Showing 15 results (View All Results)
NIMS Core Grinding Skills 251
NIMS Core Grinding Skills 251 covers skills necessary for the Grinding competency within the NIMS Level 1 Machining standard. This course covers grinding safety and setup topics, including grinding ...
NIMS Core Manual Milling Skills 261
NIMS Core Manual Milling Skills 261 covers skills necessary for the Manual Milling Skills competency within the NIMS Level 1 Machining standard. This course covers manual mill components, setup, and ...
NIMS Core Manual Turning Skills 262
NIMS Core Manual Turning Skills 262 covers skills necessary for the Turning Operations: Turning Between Centers and Turning Operations: Turning Chucking Skills competencies within the NIMS Level 1 ...