New LMS Updates

July 31, 2023
  • Chad Schron
    By Chad Schron
    Senior Director
    Tooling U-SME

At Tooling U-SME, we continually update our training offerings to keep pace with new methods and technological changes in the manufacturing industry.  We add new classes monthly, and we recently created two new departments focused on Electrification training.  What you may not know is we also strive to stay up to date with how we deliver our products and services to you. We have an entire development team behind the scenes focused on not only deploying our new content, but on maintaining and enhancing your experience with Tooling U-SME.

In addition to our monthly releases of new content, we also make quarterly updates to our systems. During these quarterly releases we typically address the routine issues, including system/server maintenance, security updates, and smaller enhancements for the student center, admin center, testing site, class players, mobile app, and our internal support tools. In many cases you may not even notice we have changed anything, but these updates ensure our systems run smoothly for you.

One of the most rewarding aspects of our work is when we have the opportunity to create new functionality and larger, more visible enhancements that give our users the best experience possible. This includes new products, like our Virtual Labs, and our newest project: a new and improved look and feel for our Learning Management System (LMS).

Over the coming weeks and months, students, administrators, and other account holders will begin to see changes in our LMS. The functionality is staying the same, but the look and feel of what’s on the screen will be different. This new design will be cleaner and more intuitive, and it lays the groundwork behind the scenes for many more enhancements in the future. Below is the list of items we are currently working on or planning for the near future. We look forward to updating you quarterly with release notes when they go live. The release notes will be available on our newly launched help portal.  (Yes, the portal is newer too, and all our help guides have been updated for you as well!) 

Q3 2023:

  • New Admin Center and Student Center user interface
  • New Testing Site user interface
  • New Class Player user interface for Third-Party Users
  • Updates to the U/LINC content including new videos.

Q4 2023:

  • Updates to the Mobile App user interface
  • Admin Center- create your own Tools & Options


  • Audio on final exams
  • Student and Admin notification enhancements
  • Student and admin permissions enhancements
  • New Self Service Third Party LMS portal
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