Materials for Lightweighting 275
Material replacement is a lightweighting method that replaces one raw material for another to create a part. When a manufacturer replaces a material for another one, the new part must be able to withstand the same stresses as the original despite being lighter. The materials used in lightweighting include high-strength steels, nonferrous alloys, and composites. While each of these materials has its strengths, there are also drawbacks that must be considered.
Lightweighting has become an important aspect of manufacturing as new environmental policies demand less fuel consumption. Lightweighting can be an environmentally friendly, money-saving endeavor if done right. Choosing the right material is vitally important in ensuring that lightweighting is done safely and economically. After taking Lightweighting Materials, users will have some familiarity of the various lightweight materials that are used in manufacturing, including their strengths and weaknesses.
Difficulty Intermediate
Format Online
Number of Lessons 10
Language English

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