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Showing 206 results (View All Results)
Grinding Processes 201
Grinding Processes provides a comprehensive overview of the various types of grinding used in modern manufacturing environments. Surface, cylindrical, centerless, and internal grinding processes are ...
Grinding Safety 211
Grinding Safety provides an overview of safety concerns and precautions for grinding operations. Grinding machines, wheels, and fluids pose a number of safety hazards, so operators must take proper ...
Basic Grinding Theory 221
Basic Grinding Theory provides an overview of the general process of grinding . Grinding occurs at the point of contact between an abrasive wheel and a workpiece. Like any other cutting process, ...
Basics of the Surface Grinder 231
The class Basics of the Surface Grinder provides an overview of the components, considerations, and varieties of the surface grinding machine. Surface grinders are classified by their table types and ...
Setup for the Surface Grinder 241
Setup for the Surface Grinder provides a comprehensive overview of the steps and considerations involved in setting up a surface grinding machine. Setup includes selecting a grinding wheel, testing ...
Surface Grinder Operation 251
The class Surface Grinder Operation provides step-by-step guidelines on how to grind a rectangular workpiece. Grinding each side of a workpiece requires wheel dressing and other preparatory steps, ...
Introduction to Grinding Fluids 261
Introduction to Grinding Fluids provides an overview of the uses, types, and selection considerations of grinding fluids, or coolants, used in various machining operations. Appropriate grinding fluid ...
Grinding Variables 301
Grinding Variables provides a detailed overview of the different variables involved in any given grinding operation. The parameters of any grinding operation, including tolerances and surface finish, ...
Grinding Wheel Materials 331
Grinding Wheel Materials provides a detailed overview of the various abrasive and bond materials used in grinding wheels. The properties of the abrasive grains and bond material are important factors ...
Dressing and Truing 341
Dressing and Truing provides a guide to performing necessary grinding wheel preparations. Prior to using a grinding wheel, operators must visually inspect the wheel and perform a ring test to check ...
Grinding Wheel Selection 351
Grinding Wheel Selection provides a guide on selecting the ideal grinding wheel from a grinding wheel manufacturer's catalog. Grinding wheel manufacturers list various specifications for grinding ...
Grinding Wheel Geometry 361
Grinding Wheel Geometry provides an overview of common grinding wheel geometries according to American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards. ANSI standards provide a common language for ...